Vækstfondens Vækstuge panel-debate on the subject of Green Transport
Today Rasmus Banke was in Kolding for Vækstfondens Vækstuge with 250 business leaders from the region.
Rasmus participated in a panel-debate on the subject of Green Transport with Rolf Kjærgaard from Vækstfonden, Niels-Arne Baden from Green Hydrogen Systems, and Torsten Richard Hermansen from Dansk Fragtmænd.
During a lively discussion, Rasmus appealed for continued investment in programs like the Danish Energy Authority’s EUDP program to develop new technologies and solutions for de-carbonizing transport. He also stressed the need for governments to continue to work towards global legislation on emissions, and that subsidizing biofuels, electricity, or hydrogen is a bad idea – fuels should be used where they create the most value not where the strongest lobbies want them.
Many thanks to Vækstfonden for an excellent afternoon of presentations and discussions.