
Newsletter Winter 2017

Newsletter Winter 2017

Hydraulic pump alternatives for Banke E-PTO systems

Banke E-PTO systems can be delivered with a double-chamber pump or a load-sense pump. The double pump is of a special type which is close to noiseless at higher rpm of the electromotor. In principle, the body hydraulics determine the type of pump that is mounted on the Banke system as in most cases, both hydraulic systems are required to work in parallel. In this case the refuse body or crane can always can always be powered the classical way in case the battery pack is emptied before the tour is completed.

The LS pump can only work with a load-sense hydraulic body system and has the capability of providing more system pressure. Cranes normally require more system pressure then the noiseless double pump can provide. Cranes using an E-PTO must therefore always be specified with load-sense hydraulics. The load-sense pump has an additional feature that prevents the electromotor from over-torqueing. Crane movements on low pressure benefit from full oil flow, whilst flow is automatically reduced when high pressure is required.

Special hydraulic pump combinations are available. Like a tandem arrangement of Load-sense pump and fixed flow pump. Or a closed-loop Load-sense pump coupled with a fixed flow pump. This flexibility enabled Banke to deliver E-PTO’s to be used with Faun Rotopress, MUT Rotopress and Haller SLF sideloader.

These special combinations are however not available on the CM series due to space limitations in the Power-box.

New TM series

Hydraulic pump alternatives for Banke E-PTO systems. New TM series

Like the original E-PTO large the new TM-series also mounts in between the chassis- cab and the (refuse) body. They are designed as a full “plug-in” and are available in 4 capacities: 18, 36, 54 and 72 kWh. Additionally, the TM series is ready-prepared to recharge with the help of an additional inverter or generator. This makes the system flexible to fit a broad range of applications.

The TM series is based on the proven CM platform which is used in both refuse and crane applications. This platform benefits from the latest development in electromotors that also have a high efficiency when operating on lower voltage levels. This makes the TM series less complex to control, reduces the weight and makes it easier to perform service tasks due to the absence of high DC voltage levels. And it also allows for a friendlier costing basis.

With 1,6 meters width, the TM36 can be mounted next to a vertical exhaust system to maximize body volume. For this reason, the charging plug connector of the TM series is standard on the left hand (driver) side. The TM54 and TM 72 systems offer the largest energy storage capacity that are available in the market.  These systems take the full width of the vehicle as they are 2450 mm wide.

The first TM18 systems have been delivered for the city of Silkeborg (DK) and additional systems for the capital city of Copenhagen will follow in the first quarter of 2018. The TM36 was introduced on an exhibition in Lleida, Spain together with Terberg/Ros Roca and 9 TM54 sytems are in order for delivery in the second quarter of 2018. These systems will enter service in the city of Slagelse (DK).

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